Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Back once again.

Ok So I’ve been away for quite a long time and I could go on an on about why I haven’t posted since I opened this blog but that doesn’t matter.

So here’s the thing. I haven’t altered my army since I started and with Christmas that season of coercing innocent family members in to investing in your hobby fast approaching, its time to make some changes.

I have my colour scheme down as you have seen and although due to a lack of paint not everyone is finished (But a family member has already been given that wish list) I’m happy with the results.

I am looking at how to expand my army from a Battleforce with a Broadside and two more Battlesuits added in, to a more rounded and more importantly larger army.

My first thoughts were to get rid of the Kroot as up till now I haven’t had much joy with them and most games end up with them running off the table.

But this would leave me with a hole where some close assault should be. The answer I thought was to bring in Farsight and all his minions as a close assault team but I’m having second thoughts.

Manly due to the bad reports of Farsight armys and the many many good reports of Kroot attacks.

So the question I’m asking to the world at large is… Where next? Shall I get rid of the Kroot or increase their number. Shall I bring in Farsight and armfuls of XV8’s

I mainly fight a Demon Hunters or Dark Angles Army’s so need lots of anti terminator.

I know that I Defiantly want more Broadsides and a couple of Hammerheads.

And my fast attack plan has always been just Piranhas. But I’m open to any suggestions

So please give me your thought’s and guidance